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Your ultimate guide for Washington Crossing the Delaware River on Christmas Day.

We never realized on Christmas Day, there is a reenactment of Washington Crossing the Delaware River. In this post you will find out all that you need to know to prepare you for your next outing on Christmas Day.

After all the gifts are open, breakfast has been served, the gift wrapping paper is thrown away, and your children are already tired of playing with their Christmas gifts?

Yes, the Christmas gifts you spent your hard-earned money to buy. The same gifts you stood in one aisle for hours ( well, not hours, but that’s what it seemed like) trying to decide which gift was the perfect one to buy.

What do you do when all the stores are closed because the employees have finally earned the day off? They have dealt with mobs of shoppers ever since the Friday after Thanksgiving. Most of them even worked longer hours than usual just to be there when you showed up 5 minutes before the store was about to close on Christmas Eve to start your Christmas shopping.

What do you do? Where do you go?

Well, if you are in New Jersey, you’re in luck.

George Washington’s Reenactment

Actor's of the George Washington crossing reenactment

Thousands of people gather each year to watch George Washington’s reenactment, crossing the Delaware River on Christmas Day in 1776.

This day turned out to be a historical event for our country, which is now celebrated yearly. The event is known as the Battle of Trenton.

Free event

This event is 100% free. The reenactment time is from 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm, with the crossing occurring at 1:00 pm.

The entire crossing takes about 60 – 90 minutes. So, if you’re running a little late, it’s okay.

Summer holding a musket


There’s limited parking at the reenactment site on the New Jersey side. However, there are parking lots at the Washington Crossing Historic Park. Bring your walking shoes because there will be a lot of walking involved. You’ll probably walk about a mile to get to the Delaware riverbank. For directions to parking, click here.


Washington crossing reenactment

Where should I view the Washington Reenactment, on the New Jersey side or the Pennsylvania side?

My family stayed on the New Jersey side of the reenactment, which was a blessing because we had front row standing. The reenactment soldiers must come across the river from the Pennsylvania side, so getting a picture of the boat crossing the Delaware River is excellent on the New Jersey side.  

Warning: Be careful next to the riverbank because it may be slippery due to mud. The reenactment soldiers will move you off the riverbank because they do not know where the boat will land. Also, they do not want anyone to get hurt. Don’t worry; there will be plenty of chances to take pictures.

soldiers getting the bridge ready

What if I did not pay attention in history class?

If you have no idea what’s happening, find someone with a professional camera and ask them questions. Most likely, the person with the professional camera will be a person that attends the reenactment every year or they’re a historian.
It’s cool to know what’s happening because that may allow you to visualize the event as if you were there when it originally happened.

Summer taking a picture

When does George Washington’s character cross the river?

A total of 3-4 boats crossed the Delaware River during the reenactment. George Washington comes across on the last boat. Once he crosses the river, he gives a short speech thanking the reenactment soldiers for their service.

Actor playing George Washington

“99% percent of failures are the ones who make excuses.” — George Washington

Loud sounds

Once the boats have crossed the Delaware River, you will hear cannons from the Pennsylvania side. Since there’s no warning, the loud sounds may scare your animals or small children. 

Taking a picture with actors of the Washington Crossing reenactment


Now that the event has ended, the reenactment soldiers will start their journey back to the Pennsylvania side by foot across the Washington Crossing Bridge.   This is a great time to take pictures with the soldiers.  Upon returning to your car, stop by the little house on the corner of River Rd. and Rt 532 to enjoy a free cup of hot apple cider and a donut. 

If you are interested in more things about our country and places to visit, Click this link to view my post about visiting Washington DC.

As always,

Thank you again for coming along on this journey with my family and me. If there’s any place you feel my family would enjoy visiting, please tell us in the comments below. You can also put any questions in the comments if there are any questions I have not answered about Washington Crossing the Delaware.

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